School Management System

School Management System Features You Will Get

  • Classes and Sections– Include classes. Give the school a class assignment. Include sections.
  • Subjects– Include a variety of subjects and designate instructors.
  • Student Admission– Recruit new students for a class.
  • Student Promotion– Students are promoted from one class to another.
  • Roles anad Permission– Make unique roles and give them access.
  • Admin, Staff– Staff members authorised to oversee the school should be added as administrators.
  • Teacher, Accountant– Incorporate a teacher to oversee pupils. To handle fee invoices and payments, add an accountant.
  • Accounting– Creation of Fee Invoices and Payment Recovery.
  • Widgets– Widgets for the noticeboard and student login.
  • Pages & Shortcodes– Forms for collecting fees, inquiries, student dashboards, noticeboards, and student logins.
  • Settings– Payment methods, email carriers, school settings, and email templates.
  • Email Templates– Email template for online and offline fee submission, invoice generation, and student admission.

School Management System Advance Features

  • Multi-School– Add more schools, assign the school administrator, and oversee all of the school’s operations from a single dashboard.
  • School Admin– Activities for a single school can be overseen by the admin.
  • Classes and Sections– Include classes. Assign each school a set of classes. Include sections for classes.
  • Online classes– Make as many live classes as you want. Students can learn online using smartphones and other devices, and teachers can oversee the classes.
  • Subjects– A school can add more subjects and teachers to teach them.
  • Student Admission– Recruit new students for a class. Describe the fee schedule. Include the parent’s login information.
  • Student Promotion– Transfer students from one session’s class to a subsequent session’s class.
  • Student Transfer– Students can be transferred from one school to another.
  • Roles and Permission– Assign permissions to various roles, such as accountant, teacher, etc.
  • Staff– Employees are able to create their own Zoom Live classes and oversee other activities assigned by the school administrator.
  • Teacher, Accountant– Incorporate a teacher to oversee pupils. To handle fee invoices and payments, add an accountant.
  • Accounting– Fee Types, Expense and Income Management, Payment Collection, and Fee Invoice Generation.
  • Library Management– Handle library resources, create and print student ID cards, and distribute books to pupils.
  • Email & SMS Notifications

    • email carrier for automated notifications.
    • Notifications sent automatically by SMS provider.
    • Use Nexmo, Twilio, MsgClub, SMS Striker, Msg91, TextLocal, EBulkSMS, and Infigo SMS to send SMS notifications.

    Multiple Payment Gateways

    • Collect fees through the following payment methods: bank transfer, SSL Commerz, PayPal, Stripe, Pesapal, Paystack, Razorpay, and PayTM.
  • Transport Management– Oversee the use of vehicles, plan routes, and produce a report on student transportation.
  • Hostel Management– Oversee the hostels, make as many rooms as needed, and assign students to rooms based on their needs.
  • Notifications– Send alerts via email and SMS for new admissions, the creation of invoices, the payment of fees, etc.
  • Widgets– Widgets for the noticeboard and student login.
  • Pages & Shortcodes– Forms for collecting fees, inquiries, exam schedules, admit cards, student dashboards, noticeboards, and student logins.
  • Settings– Multiple payment methods, school settings, SMS and email carrier, email and SMS templates, and so forth.
  • Email & SMS Templates– Email and SMS template for online and offline fee submission, invoice generation, and student admission.
  • SMS Notifications– Send SMS with TextLocal, EBulkSMS, Infigo SMS, MsgClub, SMS Striker, Msg91, Twilio, Nexmo, and more.
  • Export Records to CSV– Export inquiries, expenses, income, and student records, among other data.
  • Fee Type– Establish an infinite number of fee categories, specify the structure of student fees at the time of admission, and prepare invoices based on fee categories.
  • Parent Login– Permit parents to access student reports, pay fees, report attendance, and more by logging in.
  • Multiple Payment Gateway– support for numerous payment gateways, including bank transfer, SSL Commerz, Paypal, Stripe, Pesapal, Paystack, Razorpay, and PayTM.
  • Attendance Report– View the attendance report on a monthly basis and take note of staff and student attendance by date or subject.
  • Study Materials– From the student dashboard, the teacher can upload and assign study materials (documents, PDFs, JPGs, videos, and YouTube videos) to students based on class.
  • Home Work Materials– Homework Materials: Using the student dashboard, the teacher can upload and assign the materials to the students based on class. Students can also use the dashboard to turn in their completed homework.
  • Exam Schedule–Establish and disseminate exam schedules.
  • Admit Cards– Create and release student exam admit cards.
  • Exam Result– Make multiple exams, assign exam-specific grades, and combine the student mark sheets and results group.

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