Patient Demographic Entry Services

Healthcare organisations are aware of the value of patient demographic information because it comprises all the specific information about the patient. Each and every piece of data on the patient demographic sheet is crucial for medical billing and coding since it has an immediate impact on how much insurance companies pay out. Patient demographic information must be entered accurately in order to submit claims because the insurance company can process them more quickly with precise data.

Outsourcing patient demographic data entry can be a wonderful approach to guarantee successful claims processing if you are struggling to keep up with it. Within the client’s working hours, our company’s skilled medical billing professionals can accurately and swiftly file all the required information from the patient demographic sheet given with us and submit it to the payers. By outsourcing patient demographic entry to us, you can get better results for less money.

Our Patient Demographic Entry Services

1.Information Validation

Our team of medical billing professionals will carefully evaluate all the papers provided in the file and validate the information once we have received all the information from the customer. Before entering the data into the medical billing system, we make sure that it is absolutely true and accurate. We promptly get in touch with the client and retrieve any missing documents or information.

  • To complete the upload, secure FTP servers are used.
  • Using a checklist to find any missing patient information
  • QA guidelines should keep an audit of patient demographics available at all times
  • Workflows based on internal billing policies in accordance with the client’s request

Patient Demographic Entry

We enter the data into the medical billing system after validating and verifying all the patient information. We make sure that the information is submitted precisely and without any mistakes because this stage is crucial and is in charge of the claims being settled. The patient demographic information we enter and check includes –

  • Contact Information (Name, Address, Phone number)
  • Family Doctor’s Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Emergency Contact
  • Gender
  • Insurance Provider
  • Ethnicity
  • Allergies
  • Blood Type
  • Major Diagnoses
  • Medical History

Medical History File Creation

The generation of patient medical history files is part of our services as a specialised patient demographics entry services provider. Our services will make sure that all of your submitted claims are supported by the necessary data.

  • Gathering, verifying, and reviewing patient medical history data
  • Assembling the data in the appropriate manner for maintenance, review, and audit reasons
  • Indexing medical records and keeping up with electronic health records

Patient Insurance Validation

To provide you a thorough picture of the patient’s eligibility for particular therapies, we thoroughly examine the patient’s health insurance plan. The rate of claim denials in your medical practise will be significantly reduced by using our insurance validation service.

  • Review of patient insurance clauses
  • Documentation of medical procedures that qualify
  • Creation of documents giving important details about patient care for the claims procedure

Our Patient Demographic Entry Services Process

  • 1. Patient Data Receiving

    From the customer, we receive files containing all of the patient's essential data, including name, gender, contact information, and social security number. To ensure complete data protection, we only use secure FTP servers.

  • 2. Patient Account Creation

    We divide the demographics into categories by making distinct patient accounts. By entering their login information, doctors may easily access all of this information.

  • 3. Validating Information

    We use software suites with process automation capabilities and a multi-tier information validation system. To achieve complete correctness, we take a no-compromise approach to information validation.

  • 4. Patient Information uploadation

    We supply the billing systems with the digitised patient data together with the specifics of the therapy along with the CPT codes. The patient's whole profile is captured and ready for claims submission.

  • 5. Entering Insurance Information

    The patient's insurance details, including the dollar amount and medical procedures for which they qualify, are posted to the patient account. With this, we complete the data entering procedure for demographics.

Why Choose Us for Demographic Entry Services ?

  • A knowledgeable team of over 1000 medical billing and coding professionals with in-depth knowledge of the HIPAA-compliant billing method
  • 100% patient information accuracy and security with data backup
  • Use of the latest medical billing software suites such as Compulink, Medisoft, CureMD, DrChrono and more to suit the needs of the client
  • We will supply our customised patient demographics entry services across 10 global delivery centres.
  • Highly scalable services with flexibility to suit the needs and the workload of our client
  • 100% accuracy in the entry and maintenance of patient information
  • 24/7 support model with QA parameters to deliver high quality service
  • Operational expenditures are reduced by about 40% when compared to using an internal model for data entry.